Tuesday 30 November 2010

Getting students to use Spanish when they're working on online tasks

This is one I've been knocking my head against ever since I got interested in using ICT in my classes. The students get so engaged in what they're doing that they automatically switch back to their first language - and you as the teacher end up sounding like a record stuck in the same groove; reminding them to talk in English.

Here's an idea that I've tried out recently and which seems to have had positive results: get them to talk in Spanish.

Set a time limit of, say, 15 minutes and tell them to get on with the task and talk in Spanish, but to note down the phrases they use while they're working.

At the end of the 15 minutes get them to take turns writing their phrases on the IWB and getting other students to help them translate them into English. In this way they build up a really great bank of useful English which they can draw from.

I follow this up with a flipchart meter which I constantly update while students are working on the computers so that they're aware that I'm listening to and taking account of what they're saying.

If you want to do more work on computer vocabulary here's a site which provides basic vocabulary with images and quizzes.

Have fun!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a great idea, one to renew every once and a while as start to relapse into relying on L1. I hadn't thought of approaching it this way with my French students (who sometimes still give me a "merci" when I give them things--is "thanks" really that hard, people??) I'm going to try the meter thing with students and see if it begins to phase out all that French floating around my classroom! Thanks, Merci, Gracias, or whatever you prefer!