Friday 8 July 2011

Good & reliable suggestions for lesson plans and class activities using visual stimuli

If you're looking for innovative and well-prepared lesson plans that use visual/video stimuli, try:
David Mainwood's EFL Smartblog also uses lots of short videos and has lesson plans/activities that focus on grammar concepts. For example, I just used 2 of these for practising the present continuous in a Junior class and the students loved them - particularly the clip about Mr Bean making a sandwich.

Also, don't forget the LearnEnglish website - particularly video-based listenings such as the Word on the street series, I wanna talk about. They come with online activities that work really well on the IWB. Just used this one on Learning languages as an assessed task for an Advanced A class. They wrote the answers to the task first in their notebooks and then we checked them by completing them on the IWB.

Also you can find quirky videos like this one on YouTube about David after the dentist (specially if you've got quirky friends who constantly post links to them on facebook) and, for example, get students to write their comment about the video, randomly distribute them in the class and ask the students to try and identify who wrote the comment.

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