Thursday 7 July 2011

Interesting ideas for homework

Homework to do lists
Help students to identify what they have most problems doing and the language skills they have most problems with. Then get them to create they're own to do lists based on what they think they need to practise.

They can do this online with an easy-to-use resource called doitdoitdone.

Nik Peachey describes the process really well in this blog post and also gives suggestions for activities that students will find useful and interesting. (There are more suggestions for good homework activities on the same blog.)

Get your students to email you the URL of their homework to do list. You can then get them to set themselves their own homework and cross it out on their list once they've done it. To check they've really done what they say, ask them to describe in the next class/ or get them to note down what they did specifically and to comment on how useful it proved to be.

English Attack!
This is a new website. According to their blurb: "English Attack! creates real innovation in English language learning by promoting discovery and learner autonomy instead of the traditional linear lesson based method; and focusing on "learning by doing."

I've just checked it out and it does seem to be better than most with songs where students can listen to/watch the video and fill in gaps, plus a whole range of vocabulary games. Another idea for more interesting homework

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