Tuesday, 26 February 2008

INSETT - Using ICT for pronunciation

A practical hands-on session giving you time to investigate:
  • ELT pronunciation software
  • interactive web resources for practising sound production, matching pairs, rhymes, limericks and games
  • web-based publishing options, such as vokis and voicethread, for recording and assessing your students' progress
  • using the MP3 recorder and producing podcasts with your classes

ELT pronunciation software
We have the Sky Pronunciation suite installed on Front Office computers which consists of:
  • practising similar sounds - students can record themselves and compare their pronunciation with the original
  • working on word and phrasal stress

Interactive web resources
Here you can find an extensive list of pronunciation web resources
Some favourites from the list:

  • a phonetics site where students can see and hear how the different vowel and consonant sounds are produced (click on American English)
  • mouseovermusic.com where students can move your mouse over the lyrics and hear a song
  • shiporsheep.com where students can practise minimal pairs (similar words where just the vowel sound is different)
  • stress monsters - a game where students can test their knowledge of which syllable is stressed in a word
For primary age kids:
Web-based publishing options:

Producing podcasts

Monday, 18 February 2008


Prisoners dilemma at the Council? Mmmm new modes of colloboration? Bring em on!

Tuesday, 12 February 2008

Interesting site...


Easy way to create online conversations with your class, not tried it but on the long list.

Saturday, 9 February 2008

Some classics of the TEFL world. Enjoy!

Students could simply be asked to comment on them or even come up with there own method. The videos come from a 8 hour 1985 documentary called "The Story Of English". Forget the DELTA just watch this!