- ELT pronunciation software
- interactive web resources for practising sound production, matching pairs, rhymes, limericks and games
- web-based publishing options, such as vokis and voicethread, for recording and assessing your students' progress
- using the MP3 recorder and producing podcasts with your classes
ELT pronunciation software
We have the Sky Pronunciation suite installed on Front Office computers which consists of:
- practising similar sounds - students can record themselves and compare their pronunciation with the original
- working on word and phrasal stress
Interactive web resources
Here you can find an extensive list of pronunciation web resources
Some favourites from the list:
- a phonetics site where students can see and hear how the different vowel and consonant sounds are produced (click on American English)
- mouseovermusic.com where students can move your mouse over the lyrics and hear a song
- shiporsheep.com where students can practise minimal pairs (similar words where just the vowel sound is different)
- stress monsters - a game where students can test their knowledge of which syllable is stressed in a word
- phonics practice
- word games practising consonant sounds and rhyming words
- words that sound the same, word patterns and counting syllables
- rhyming words
- practising the past tense of verbs
- learning to read and distinguish sounds
Producing podcasts