Thursday, 19 February 2009

Ideas and resources for Young Adult and Teenage classes

If you missed the February INSETT on this one, here are the links and ideas I mentioned:

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Uploading Documents To Blog, Wikis etc

Hi Everyone

I promised in a recent workshop to put up instructions for uploading Word documents onto blogs and wikis so here goes:

When I set up a class blog last year I found it very frustrating that I couldn't upload Word documents. After a bit of research I discovered that there are sites out there which just act as banks for your files and documents. The one I recommend is

'Box' is free and I've used it to upload MP3 files and Word documents. For example, here's an ex-colleague of ours telling a travel anecdote.

You then link from your blog or wiki to the 'box' site as I've done with the travel anecdote above.

It's really easy to use but give me a shout if you want any help.