Tuesday, 25 January 2011

A tool for helping students to create more complex sentences

This is another blog post from Nik Peachy, well worth the read and with clear ideas about how to use it in class.

What kind of teacher are you?

A fun quiz that tells you which animal(s) you are and the type of activities you'll enjoy using in class! The quiz was inspired by Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences which suggests that different people learn and do things in very different ways.

You can do this quiz either on facebook or on the TeachingEnglish website (where you don't need to log in to facebook),

Life not sweet enough? The answer: a lesson plan on chocolate mousse

Here's the lesson plan for upper-immediate upwards and featuring a video by Nigella Lawson..

Thanks to Jon Brown for this one. Enjoy!

Friday, 21 January 2011

words and pictures

Storybird is for kids (of all ages), there are some magnificent efforts, individual and collaborative. And then there´s this rather rubbish example.
It looks great, is fun, free and easy to do.Plus! there´s a January Challenge to enter. Win a prize. ave a butcher´s.

Thursday, 20 January 2011